Happy National Poetry Month!

Hello Friends!

Welcome to National Poetry Month! Thank you for joining me as I celebrate these 30 days with 30 poems by 30 poets. No prior poetry experience is required to enjoy this poem-a-day list — so feel free to invite friends and family to join you. Just send me an email, or sign up through the blog meetmein811.org — where you can also find an archive of the past ten years of poem-a-days.

With no further ado, the introduction to this year's poetry month is the introduction from June Jordan's 1977 collection Things that I do in the dark, which probes the relationship between the poet and the reader.


These poems
they are things that I do
in the dark
reaching for you
whoever you are
are you ready?

These words
they are stones in the water
running away

These skeletal lines
they are desperate arms for my longing and love.

I am a stranger
learning to worship the strangers
around me

whoever you are
whoever I may become.